Madden NFL 11 Creative Director Talks Rocket Catching, Staggering Stats, and Other Things

The folks over at Go Madden got an exclusive sit-down with Ian Cummings and passed him some questions tohurdle through. Let’s take a timeout to see what he had to say. He certainly didn’t juke around these questions, but rather blitzed right through them!
Among the things discussed are rocket catching, staggerng stats, first-person viewpoints, and real-time physics and whether or not they’ll call an audible and include it in future Madden titles. They also hiked him some questions from the community, which he happily tackled without going offsides. Touchdown!
Did I convince you guys that I’m a total football pro? I’m not! Haha, gotcha! Anyway, for football fans, I imagine the interview is well worth checking out over at Go Madden.


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