AC/DC Pinball Rocks HD released by Gameprom, we go hands-on

For those of you just joining us, your humble narrator has a known love for both pinball and pinball games released on mobile devices, and because the team at Gameprom are still the reigning champions when it comes to creating pinball apps for all platforms right this moment, a new release by them tied to the classic rock band AC/DC is certainly a must-see for me. This game is put out by Sony Music Entertainment but is indeed made by the same team that brought you such games as Pinball HD and the greatest pinball game of all: Slayer Pinball Rocks HD. Let’s have a peek at this newest release.
What you’ll see here is a high-definition table strewn with references to AC/DC tunes including a tiny Highway to Hell on the right, a Hells Bell up at the top complete with BONNNG noise when you hit it, and plenty of electricity throughout. There’s mini-games up the wazoo on this table including one where the bottom 1/3 of the table is blocked off and you have to hit metal bars that pop up from the surface, one where you toss the ball around on the guitar you see floating above the main table in the upper right, and a cannon fire situation where you’ve got to hit several targets with a blast.
This game once again proves that Gameprom got it right with Pinball HD and continue to get it right each time they release a new table. Now we’ve just got to wait for Metallica, Black Sabbath, maybe a few games for Star Wars, some horror movie themed tables, and of course an Addams Family table to round the whole set off. What do you think? Is the pinball revolution upon us?


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