Firefox 11 brings Chrome imports and 3D DOM viewer

The eleventh version of Mozilla’s popular Firefox browser is upon us. Firefox 11 brings various improvements over version 10. The casual user can look forward to improved stability, fewer crashes, and security fixes, although there are two big stand out features. The first is the ability to import bookmarks and history from Google Chrome, and the second is a 3D rendering tool of webpages, designed to help visualize page elements as blocks.

In a move that should help users move over from Google’s rival browser, Chrome, Firefox 11 has an improved import system that can move over bookmarks, history, and cookies. Chrome has been able to import Firefox’s data for several years, so hopefully Mozilla’s move will help entice users looking to make the jump to Firefox, and make the transition as smooth as possible.

The other big feature is aimed at web developers: you’re now presented with an extra option when looking at a webpage’s underlying code, the ability to render the page in 3D. The resulting render will stack different elements of the page, making it easier to see the structure of the page and the overall hierarchy. Users can manipulate and rotate the render to different angles, as well as click on individual elements to see the code associated with it.

Other features of Firefox 11 include resigned media controls for HTML5 video, and the ability to sync add-ons across different computers, helpful if you’re installing Firefox on a fresh OS. Firefox 11 is available from Mozilla’swebsite right now, or if you’re already running Firefox, just hit Help, then About Firefox, and let it find the update for you.


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