Apple iPad App Store Images Leak, Shows Off Apps and Prices

If the iBookstore wasn’t enough to talk about, there’s always the App Store specifically designated for the iPad. While we know that iPhone/iPod Touch applications are going to work on the Apple tablet, that hasn’t stopped developers from utilizing the iPhone SDK 3.2 from creating applications for the iPad. Meaning, they’ll have more functionality, along with better resolution. All in all, a win-win situation for us consumers. If you’ve been aching to see a sneak peak of what you should expect next Saturday, here’s your first glimpse.

Thanks to App Annie, which is an apps tracking and analytics site, we’ve got these images to display for the perusal of everyone out there. Those at the site were apparently sniffing around the depths of iTunes, and managed to come across this very real feed of the iPad App Store. Apparently, sniffing for clues to one of this year’s biggest releases actually lead to some concrete material. Who would’ve thunk? From what we can see, just from the images we have, it looks like Apple is sticking an ‘HD’ title to all iPad-specific applications. That’s probably got something to do with the better graphics, along with providing an easier way for customers to sort through iPad and iPhone applications.

We’re also hearing that applications with the HD moniker will also mean that, even if you’ve purchased the iPhone/iPod Touch version beforehand, you’ll have to buy the iPad-specific application all over again. Which, for obvious reasons, makes perfect sense, but we’re sure there’s going to be a small uproar over this when it hits the majority later next week. We’re excited to see some applications in the list that aren’t available for the current generation hardware right now, but we’ll admit that we’re mostly excited about seeing Flight Control HD in the list. Anyone else think that game/application prices are going to take a small hike due to the iPad’s better specifications?

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