The BBC has commissioned fourteen new episodes of the UK's brilliant sci-fi series Doctor Who. Showrunner Steven Moffat retweeted this news on Tuesday from the Doctor Who Magazine Twitter feed. The same Tweet also confirmed that current Doctor Matt Smith will be returning for his third series of the show as well, for yet another year of an absolutely brilliant performance. "[Matt will be returning] definitely," Moffat asserted.
The fourteen episodes will likely consist of a Christmas special and thirteen episodes of the regular series. 2011's Christmas special is slated to begin filming next month, with production for series 7 commencing shortly after that.
Still unknown is whether Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill will be returning to their roles of Amy Pond and Rory Williams for series 7. It seems unlikely, as both have signed onto other projects. Two years has been the longest amount of time any companion has spent with the Doctor since the show started back up in 2005, so I don't think they'll be back in a regular capacity next year (though I would imagine Moffat will bring them back for occasional guest roles).
"I've got a plan and I'm not telling you what it is," Moffat later tweeted to his followers. "Now hush or River shoots you with her Spoiler Gun."
Doctor Who recently aired its midseason finale, "A Good Man Goes to War," in the UK. The episode will air on Saturday, June 11, in the U.S., on BBC America. The show will return in the fall to finish out its sixth series, starting with the episode "Let's Kill Hitler."