The Real Housewives of Orange County: It's All Over But The Fighting/Reunion
After watching Sunday's Real Housewives of Orange County Season Six finale, I couldn't help but feel/notice several things:
1) This season wasn't as good as I thought it would be...
2) No matter if Tamra was wrong in bringing the cease and desist letter to the party (which I personally think doesn't mean a hill of beans in the end), Jeana had everything coming to her. More on that in a bit.
3) Finally, the "fight" that had been hinted at all season was such a lame bust that I'm shocked people went bananas over it on my Twitter feed.
I was looking forward to the finale/fight more than I was the baby christening on Real Housewives of New Jersey, because at least the ladies would be arguing/fighting amongst themselves and not with family. So to see that the huge RHOOC fight, which sent Twitter and blogs on fire last year, was really just a couple of drinks being thrown at the wrong people kind of leaves me with a somewhat sour taste in my mouth. However, my "blah" state of mind does not in any way suggest that the mess wasn't entertaining as hell. Was it wild? Yes, but only for the women of the OC who have yet to get into wig-pulling/table tossing antics. At this rate, I hope they keep it that way, because do we really want to see Gretchen and Tamra get into a hair pulling catfight....?
Well, um, now that I mention it... Anyway, I digress.
Let me touch on the Jenna thing right quick, because I was not at all sympathizing with this woman and her gay buddy (who Andy clowned on WWHL last night). First of all, I know Tamra isn't a saint herself as she's been raising hell since she premiered on the show, but that doesn't mean Jeana should be telling all of the woman's business to the press and taking the side of Simon, Tamra's ex-husband, which in itself is just odd... At first, I felt Jeana was coming from a place of looking at Tamra's situation and comparing it with her own experiences and not seeing a justification there on Tamra's part. Not saying Jeana was physically abused, but the way her sons and ex-husband treated/talked to her in the past was just highly unacceptable to me to the point of rage as they entered the my TV screen. So, initially, I feltthe real housewives of orange county Jeana didn't think Tamra knew what 'abuse' really entailed and was probably angry at Tamra for 'playing the victim.' But all that went away once news broke of Jeana going to the press and telling Simon every move Tamra made. So in short, the cease and desist letter was justified and if it wasn't brought up at the party, it would've been served eventually. Except without a glass of wine to go with it.
As for the other ladies, the disintegration of Peggy and Alexis's friendship wasn't engaging to me, because I seriously don't care much for Alexis (yall, I tried!) and Peggy was the new girl trying to find her away amongst these women (and the camera). Gretchen, another Housewife I tried to give the benefit of a doubt, had one irk factor going for her and his name is Slade Smiley. The man is a cartoon that I laugh at only because he's a sad individual. Period. Even his own mother has an issue with him trying to keep in the public eye and not get a real job, because being Gretchen's manager or whatever he calls himself is not bringing in the dough apparently. Then there is the stuff with his kids/child support which is another mess onto itself. When Gretchen wakes up and smells the BS that is Slade, then I might give her the benefit of a doubt and might back her up in some of her snark every once and awhile.
Finally, there is Vicki's divorce from Donn, which despite Donn having a solid argument, it was still painful to see. That's all I have to say on that.
Now that the season is over with, the reunion is around the corner and the fur flies. Here's a sneak peek:
It's official. Slade is the RHOOC's equivalent to RHONY's Simon von Kempen, because he makes sure to have himself a seat during the last few reunions the women have had. It's just... mind-blowing how folks can't see through his exterior.
The RHOOC reunions are usually tame at best, but I might give this one a go to find out what happened after the cameras rolled at that infamous party last fall. Until then, what do you guys think about this past season? Any highlights you want to throw out there?
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