Bollywood's poster girl for fitness Bipasha Basu, who is gearing up to unveil the third volume of her fitness DVD titled 'Unleash Love', has gone all out for her pet project as she has always maintained that fitness for her is not a hobby but a passion.
Talking about her upcoming DVD, Bipasha said, "It takes a lot of time to create a routine. This time, I wanted to aim at men too. We did a lot of trials. I make my fitness DVDs a bit aspirational, so that people get motivated to work out - be it through music or moves. I individually train people who work with me on the DVD."
When asked about the business aspect of the DVD project, Bipasha opined, "When your passion reflects in the work you do, business falls into place."
Talking about other things that are keeping her busy, she said, "The idea is to fulfill all the passions I have, besides acting. My plate is kind of full right now; I also have my Trunk label which is online. Everything is my baby and no one else is taking the call. I am totally involved, and thoroughly enjoying it."