XMen Days of Future Past Teases Something "BIG" Coming
X-Men fans get excited, because director Bryan Singer promises some BIG Days of Future Past surprises! Singer took to Twitter to tweet "Something BIG is coming Jan 27. #XMen @EmpireMagazine #Empire25" with a link to a five second teaser showcasing some new footage from one of this summer's most anticipated films. Though the tease is short, they were able to pack in quite a lot with shots of Wolverine drowning (if that's even possible), a young Magneto meditating in a cell, new mutants Blink, Warpath and Sunspot preparing to battle, Mystique pushing Magneto up against what appears to be a phone booth and later sporting some sweet 70's style. We also get a shot of Iceman and Magneto teaming up and Magneto's son Quicksilver breaking some glass while wearing what appears to be a police uniform. From pictures we've seen, we're guessing he's helping to break Magneto out of the federal prison he's being held in and we're guessing he succeeds as we also get to see Magneto now freed and sporting his stylish helmet on what could be a baseball field. And finally we get a shot of young Xavier using his powers on...something. So what does this all mean? We most likely will get some kind of new trailer come the 27th and Singer's "BIG" clue could mean we'll finally get our first look at the Sentinels in action. Fingers crossed for that! We also expect to get some additional reveals via Empire as part of their 25th Anniversary celebration. The official X-Men Movies Instagram teased just that posting, "The first of its kind, a special reveal by @EmpireMagazine and the #XMen cast is coming up on January 27th! #Empire25." So be sure to check back next week to get all the details on this reveal and in the meantime, click here to find out the reason why Wolverine will be the one travelling back in time in Days of Future Past. So what do you hope is revealed and do you think we'll get our first look at the Sentinels? Head on down to the comments to share your wish list and don't forget to subscribe to stay in the know on all things X-Men. I'm Erin Robinson, thanks for watching!
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