Bad Teacher's Ari Graynor Reveals How She Stays in Shape, What She'd Like to Do With Michael Fassbender and Jon Hamm

Ari Graynor is looking really good playing Meredith on her new CBS sitcom, Bad Teacher.
Meredith is a recently divorced woman who finds work as schoolteacher just to hold her over until she finds another man with enough money to restore her to her formerly cushy life. Graynor's tight wardrobe often highlights her sexy curves.

"I haven't worked out, this is unfortunately true, in over a year," she tells me during a break from rehearsing her upcoming Off-Broadway play American Hero. "I hate any kind of physical activity. I've more just tried to cool it on eating everything in sight.

"I've been a picker of food my whole life and once I start I can't stop," she continued. "So rather than feeling the pressure of having to look a certain way for the role and for the outfits, it was more about not expelling that energy of self-loathing at the end of the day if I had hung around the craft services table for too long, especially with Meredith feeling so confident."

Graynor laughs when asked who are her dream actors to play Meredith's love interests.

"Oh, God! I don't know," she said. "I don't know because there are the really lofty goals that are completely and wildly inappropriate like the Michael Fassbenders of the world that I love so much and then there are the Jon Hamm kinds of dreams."
Here's hoping Ari's dreams do come true.

Bad Teacher airs Thursdays at 9:30 p.m. on CBS.

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