Google Teams With Sony, Logitech, DISH Network, and Intel to Bring Google TV to Best Buy

Google TV, according to those invested in the project, is going to bring you the next generation of TV. Basically, that means it’s going to be bigger than big. Some might even say huge. And with partners like these, we imagine that Google may be right in their assumption. Of course, we’ve detailed Google TV for you already, but it never hurts to bring you the full press release, now does it?

Google TV Fall Season

As you already know, Google TV is a way that brings your TV, and your Web, together in one, logical place, running on Android 2.1. With intuitive navigation, both with a remote and keyboard, you’re able to utilize Google’s Quick Search Bar to find whatever it is your looking for swiftly, and quickly access the content you want on the fly. And if you’ve got a DVR hooked up to the rig, you’ll be able to easily program a show to record, right from the Quick Search.

Google TV Quick Search 540x300

Partnering with Sony, DISH Network, Logitech, Intel, and Best Buy means that Google has every base covered with their Google TV introduction. The whole set up is supposed to be ready to go this Fall. Yes, in 2010, with full open source code ready for developers by the Summer of 2011. Being able to search the Web while you watch TV, and in a way that’s not necessarily obtrusive to your viewing pleasure, means that many people out there are going to integrate their devices for the best possible experience. With the TV, satellite box, and down to the very processor powering the whole ordeal streamlined to make that experience better, we look forward to seeing Google TV in action, in our living room.


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