Nintendo 3DS Official: Touch Panel, 3D Without Glasses

It’s been a rumor for a little while now, but Nintendo, at their press conference at E3 on Tuesday officially announced the Nintendo 3DS. Basically, it’s 3D in your pocket. Nintendo spent the majority of their time on the 3DS, at least in the beginning, talking about how well their 3D works compared to the competition, especially considering there’s no glasses needed. We’re fans of that plan, for sure. And, just as we had heard rumored before, there’s an option to turn the 3D on or off.

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Reggie Fils-Aime believes that the 3DS is the best way to play 3D games. After all, it’s the solution for your desires to bring 3D gaming with you wherever you go. And, that’s pretty neat. As for specs, you’re getting an upper-screen that’s 3.5-inches. Along the side, you’ll find a slider that will let you adjust the 3D for how far you’re holding the device away from your face, making the graphics all that much better. You can also choose to turn off the 3D effect entirely, if you wish.

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The bottom screen is not 3D compatible, and it’s a touch panel. The 3DS is also going to be compatible with Nintendo DSi titles, so that’s another bonus. There’s no mention of pricing or availability quite yet, but that’s coming, we’re sure. Nintendo’s still on stage, talking up their mobile device of the future. So, stay tuned.


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