BlackBerry PlayBook on sale now

RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is now on sale, with the WiFi-only QNX slate available in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB models priced from $499. The PlayBook is available from RIM direct or from Best Buy, Office Depot, OfficeMax and Staples. More details on accessories after the cut.

The 32GB PlayBook is $599 while the 64GB PlayBook is $699. As for accessories, RIM is offering various cases and skins for the tablet: there’s a Convertible Case which stands the PlayBook up for video watching, priced at $49.99, and a Journal Case, priced at $59.99, while the PlayBook Skin is $29.99.

3G/4G versions of the BlackBerry tablet will be coming later on in 2011. We’ve been playing with the PlayBook for the past week or so; expect the full SlashGear review later today!

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