Apple’s Newest Intern is also iOS’ Greatest Hacker

When it comes to Apple’s mobile platform iOS, this operating system running on the ultra-successful iPhone and iPad as well as iPod Touch, there’s a certain word that represents the illegal hacking of the ecosystem: Jailbreaking. When it comes to Jailbreaking, aka beating Apple’s security barriers and editing Apple’s code as one sees fit, Comex is the man. His site famously made breaking into your iDevice as easy as visiting a website – and he’s announced today that he’s joining the Apple team as their newest intern.

As any writer at Forbes will tell you, Comex is simply the username of a 19-year-old Brown University student by the name of Nicholas Allegra. He hails from Chappaqua, New York, USA, and has described Jailbreaking as “like editing an English paper… You just go through and look for errors. I don’t know why I seem to be so effective at it.” As a simple search for the name Comex in our SlashGear archives will tell you a brief but epic story of how JailbreakMe has been one of the most prominent named in iOS hacking from the start.

A fabulous example of the misadventures of Comex is his latest effort: an exploit in Apple’s PDF renderer which allowed users to use it to run custom software to crack iOS devices of many models and sizes. This exploit worked with the original iPad, iPad 2, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 with CDMA, iPod Touch 3G, and iPod Touch 4G, and certainly caught Apple’s eye once again as they patched the security hole after just around a week. Apples eyes must certainly have been aglow as this bypass of their security which they certainly worked on for many long nights was so utterly simple and done with such class that anyone, even a grandmother, could execute it once Allegra set it up for them to tap.

Earlier this year, as MacRumors lets us know, Peter Hajas, another so-called hacker of iOS software working with MobileNotifier was also picked up as an Apple intern. Of course you know Apple isn’t the only mobile-toting group looking to pick up their most notorious sneaksters: Samsung just a about a week ago hired no less thanCyanogen of CyanogenMod, Android’s most popular 3rd-party operating system modification – much in the same way Comex lets you get inside your iPad 2, Cyanogen brings the party once you’re inside your Android tablet.


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