If you are a fan of Steve Jobs and like to remember him by reading the new biography of his life and watching, some of the old interviews Jobs gave you will appreciate this. Back in 1995 after Jobs left Apple he did an interview with a man named Robert Cringely for a show that was airing in 1996 on PBS as a miniseries called Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires.
The show focused on the computer and rise of Silicon Valley. One of the hallmark interviews of the series was one with Jobs. Apparently, only a small part of the footage shot with Jobs for the series actually made it into the program. Later when Cringely wanted to do a possible follow up series, he tried to find the rest of the footage to discover it was missing.
The director of the show had an old VHS tape copy of it stored away and a call to Landmark theaters wound up with an agreement to show the lost footage as part of a 70-minute long program called Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview. The show will air in select cities at Landmark Theaters on Wednesday and Thursday November 16 and 17. Check with your local Landmark to see if it will air in your city.
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