Warner Brothers set to make Netflix, Blockbuster, and Redbox wait longer for movies

If you are a fan of Netflix streaming or kiosks that are operated by Redbox and Blockbuster, Warner brothers is not going to make you happy with the latest announcement. Warner Bros is set to make us all wait longer to see the flicks it produces in an apparent effort to force more of us to purchase their flicks rather than rent.

It used to be that if you wanted to rent a movie from Warner and many of the other major studios, you might have to wait as long as a month before you could get your hands on it. There was a 28-day delay between the launch of the film on DVD, and it coming to kiosks. Warner has made a new deal with Netflix, Redbox, and Blockbuster that will double that delay to 56 days.

The longer delay is all in the name of propping up sagging DVD sales. The sad part is you can bet since the three movie rental/streaming firms accepted the deal other studios will follow suit. After 56 days, I’m not going to rent a movie that I haven’t seen, it’s off my radar completely and the only flicks I buy are kid’s movies that my kids will watch repeatedly. I for one sincerely hope that Warner Brothers sees the profits fall even more. If it wants to spur DVD sales, make your movies cheaper and put them on the market faster, not slower for rentals. They don’t seem to understand that renting or streaming is the only way many of us watch their films.


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