Lenovo has revealed its latest T Series ThinkPad notebooks, promising all-day battery life and super mobility. The Lenovo ThinkPad T420s, T420 and T520 offer a choice of Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 processors, along with 14-inch (1366 x 768 or 1600 x 900) or 15.6-inch (1366 x 768 or 1600 x 900 or 1920 x 1080) displays, USB 2.0, eSATA and a choice of optional WiMAX, EVDO or HSPA integrated cellular broadband.
There’s also WiFi a/g/n or b/g/n, NVIDIA NVS 4200M graphics with Optimus GPU switching, up to 320GB of HDD storage or up to 160GB of SSD storage. Battery life is up to 15hrs with the 9-cell pack on the T420, or up to 11hrs with the 9-cell on the T520; the T420s can last up to 10hrs with both the 6-cell regular battery and snap-on battery slice.
Alternatively, pair the T420 with the optional 9-cell battery slice and it will run for a ridiculous 30 hours. There’s also a new microphone system which can switch from Private Chat – using DSP to focus in on a single voice – or Conference Call, which picks up noise from everybody in the room.
The Lenovo ThinkPad T Series will go on sale from March 29 2011, priced from $1,399, $1,029 and $999 for the T420s, T420 and T520 respectively.