Game of Thrones: What Does Syrio Forel Say to the God of Death?

I just can't decide whether Syrio Forel is dead or not.

It's a relatively minor question in the Game of Thrones mythology, granted. The more pressing questions for the show's audiences are probably "Will Joffrey have Ned executed?" or "Will Robb win his battle against Tywin Lannister?" And while I could answer those for you, I'll just let you wait until next week's episode, "Baelor," to find out (by the way, if there's an episode of this series not to miss, it's "Baelor"). I'm more interested in discussing the questions that haven't been answered in the books yet. Syrio's fate is one of those questions.

We followed Arya's perspective during the first scenes of the series, but she doesn't know if Syrio fell victim to the sword of Ser Maryn Trant or if he escaped -- she was too busy escaping herself. It's natural that she doesn't find out if Syrio's dead; she's running through darkened corridors in King's Landing right now. But the fact that we never got confirmation of Syrio's death is a little strange, isn't it?

In the books, Syrio is mentioned once by Cersei has having "intervened" in their capture of Arya, but never confirmed as dead. Trant survived, but if Syrio was able to pick up a sword from one of the soldiers he'd just assaulted, maybe Trant would have reconsidered attacking Syrio since Arya was already gone. Sure, Syrio never runs -- but maybe Trant does.

There's also that last little exchange between Syrio and Arya, calling back to a previous conversation they had. "What do we say to the God of Death? Not today." Sure, it motivates Arya to get out of there, but could that also be Martin throwing us a subtle little hint? Did Syrio tell the God of Death, not today?

Maybe I'm just unwilling to let go of the character who's been called the "Obi-Wan" of the show -- he could easily be dead. But I certainly wouldn't say with certainty that he is, especially considering the fact that it's unconfirmed in both the show and in the book might leave him open to return in the distant future. That's not forgetting that in season two, we'll meet a shapeshifting assassin who is a Braavosi just like Syrio. Coincidence? Maybe... Or maybe not.

What do you think? Did Trant kill Syrio, or did Syrio dance his way away from death?

Game of Thrones airs next Sunday with the episode "Baelor" at 9/8c on HBO.

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