Movie Rentals Now Available from the Android Market
Movie rentals are now available on the Android Market, and are available for Android 2.2 and higher. There are now over 3,000 movies available right now for streaming on Android, at You can rent a movie on the web, and then immediately watch it on your phone and tablet.
Some movies are available free, and others are available for purchase. Movies start at $1.99. Rentals are available on the Android Market today, and Google will be rolling out an update to the Verizon XOOM today also. The updates for Android 2.2 and above devices will be forthcoming over the next few weeks so that you can get the movie directly from your phone. Speaking of updates, Google also announced that Guidelines for updates to Android devices will now be available, so you won’t be in the dark about when (or whether) your device update is coming.
The announcements are coming fast and furious at the first keynote, and we will continue to keep you updated as they come.
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