If you watch Fringe, I don't really have to tell you just how much of a punch in the face the season finale, "The Day We Died," was to fans. The final scene was so shocking and unexpected that I'm still having trouble determining the ramifications for the fourth season. Not since the season three finale of LOST have I felt so utterly flabbergasted -- and I love it. But what exactly is going on with the Fringe team?
We saw at the end of "The Day We Died" something happened that may have never happened on any show before. One of the main characters suddenly never existed. While I ran to my DVD collection and made sure Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson) was still in season one (he was), other fans started concocting theories. And some of them are pretty good. As in, I believe that they could happen on the show, without a doubt. For instance, like the one that postulates that Peter is now an Observer. Those bald fellows, most commonly represented by September (Michael Ceveris), appear to exist outside of time. To have never existed is certainly a good way to not be inside time. In fact, right now, this theory is the only one that makes sense to me. The Fringe producers seem to like it too, as they recently referenced it, according to
Digital Spy.
"I think [one theory that's] crazy, but really fun and delightful, is the idea that Peter is now an Observer," executive producer Jeff Pinkner said (UPDATE: I did some digging and found out one champion of this theory: LOST co-creator Damon Lindelof!).
Wait, what?! Has he even thought about this theory and how much sense it makes?
"That was pretty crazy," co-showrunner Joel Wyman said in regards to the Observer theory. "But most times [the fan theories] are actually fascinating."
What!? You guys write Fringe! Nothing is supposed to be crazy to you, not even --
"Some of these theories may be true," Pinkner went on to add.
Ohhhh. Oh I see what you've done there. You're tricking us into thinking this one theory is absolutely off-the-rails, never going to happen -- until it turns out to be true!
Okay, maybe I'm just stubbornly backing up a theory I found and really liked. In any case, I'm going to stick with my newfound opinion that Peter is an Observer until season four punches me in the face and tells me otherwise.