While Ned's (Sean Bean) betrayal to the Lannisters at the hands of Littlefinger (Aiden Gillen) was probably the biggest talking point of "You Win or You Die," episode seven of HBO's Game of Thrones, something else happened in that episode: King Robert (Mark Addy) died. His death was handled rather quickly to make room for the bigger power play that was about to go down, but after being gored by a boar while hunting and trying his darndest to give Ned the title of Protector of the Realm until Joffrey came of age, Robert Baratheon died, quietly, offscreen. And then all hell broke loose. His younger brother Renly escaped King's Landing on horseback (don't worry, we'll see him later) and his older brother Stannis is currently the rightful heir to the throne (we'll see him as well), but Mark Addy's tenure on the show is finished. Talking to Access Hollywood, Addy shared on the king's death and what's in store for the future of Game of Thrones.
“Up to this point, the scene is really just being set, and you’re getting to know who’s who and what the relationship is with the other character and where they stand in the order of things. But once that throne becomes vacant, things start to crack along,” said Addy. “The fight for power hasn’t even started yet.”
And if there are any flashbacks? Addy just doesn't see himself playing in them. “Where we’re at in Season 1 is a lot later, when the complacency has set in and you’ve been unopposed for so long you’ve grown fat and lazy and drunk. I don’t think I could work out for long enough to look the way Robert did when he was 20, 21."
But while he won't be returning, Addy has no regrets. "It was great to have the opportunity of being part of something that is such a huge and beloved thing.”
Check out Access Hollywood's full interview with Addy, in which he talks about his relationship with co-stars Lena Headey and Sean Bean, as well as his views on the book series.
Game of Thrones returns Sunday night with the episode "The Pointy End" at 9/8c on HBO.