In this round of Real Housewives related news, the Salahis are still fame hungry, the franchise sets its sights on Canada, and the season finale of The Real Housewives of Orange County is upon us, which means we will finally see the Tamra Barney vs. Jeana Keough smackdown we've been almost literally dying to see.
The Salahis Just Don't Know When To Quit
In a strange turn of events, the Salahis of the now defunct Real Housewives of D.C. are still trying to renew their 15 minutes of fame. According to
The Daily Caller, the "alleged" White House Gatecrashers are now filming their own reality show, which at this point in time is not attached to any network, so it's best to say that they might be shopping this pilot of their around for a bit. After a failed attempt at landing a gig on VH1's Celebrity Rehab, Michaele Salahi has also dropped a single called "Bump It" last month, which I haven't heard and possibly (if the good Lord is willing) will never hear. As for Michaele's stint on Celebrity Rehab, she will appear in "the first few episodes" according to a source close to the production of the Salahis' reality show. However, despite people getting it "wrong" in terms of Michaele not being on the show, the source said that this could change as well. It's either she is or she's not, but the majority of the public might want to roll with the latter...
The Real Housewives of Vancouver is a Go
A new city has been added to the Real Housewives international canon to follow ranks with the recently aired The Real Housewives of Athens and the rumored currently shooting Real Housewives of Israel and this time it is Vancouver, British Columbia. Not Toronto, Ontario as some websites have claimed.
AceShowbiz reports that the Real Housewives of Vancouver will happen, but casting has not been made available to the public. However in Real Housewives fashion, names are already being thrown around for the show's cast, but since I'm not a Vancouver native I don't know the significance of the names mentioned. I wonder if Bravo will allow this one to air in the states in some shape, way or form...
Welcome Back To The OC, Bitch! Now Leave!
This Sunday marks the season six finale of The Real Housewives of Orange County, but to me it really marks the long-awaited smackdown between Jeana Keough and Tamra Barney, which was hinted at not only the beginning of the season, but last fall as well.
After a season of divorces, verbal smackdowns, and a faux Real Housewives of Beverly Hills-esque "Dinner Party From Hell" episode, the sixth season of the original gangstanistas comes to a close. As a reward for sitting through all of that, we will have our first real physical altercation on the show since the OC Angels photo shoot brawl from Season Two. Tamra has gotten fed up with Jeana stepping into her business and serves the former Housewife a cease and desist order and a drink in the face! Take a look!
See, folks? The Orange County ladies and throw a few punches as well. Now, I would love to see a match between Tamra, ATL's Sheree Whitfield, and New Jersey's newest cast member Melissa Gorga. A Battle of the Snobs if you will. How about you?
That's the latest, folks! Stay tuned for more!
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