"Love in the Wild" is an exciting adventure dating series that puts relationships to the ultimate test. Hosted by Darren McMullen (Australian "Minute to Win It"), 10 single men and 10 single women, all looking for love, will experience a romantic adventure unlike anything they could have ever imagined. These singles have tried it all - speed-dating, blind-dating, Internet dating - and now, they're headed deep into the remote jungles of Costa Rica to see if they can find that special someone they've been looking for. In each episode, the couples will pair up in exhilarating quests that will push their bodies and their emotions to the limit. Some of these include paddling down crocodile-ridden waters, navigating through bat-infested caves and hanging 200 feet above the rain forest floor as they descend down one of the most majestic waterfalls in Costa Rica. These exploits will put their relationships to the test as they fall for each other in ways they never imagined. Sparks will fly and hearts will break.
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