
Showing posts from May 14, 2009

The Plumber on Run ( JOKE )‏

A man knocked the door of house. The lady opened the door. The man said, "I am the here on the run, to fix your leaky pipe." The Lady said, "We don't have any leaky pipe here." The plumber on run, says, "My note reads, your house called for a Plumbing Emergency, address looks exact, Aren't you Mrs. Mathur?" The Lady says, "No, Mathurs moved away about a year back from this house. We are Sharmas." The plumber grimaces, "What kind of people are they, Calls for an Emergency repair and then move away."


Name the wonly part of the werld where Malayalis don't werk hard? Kerala. ************ * Why is industrial productivity so low in Kerala? Because 86% of the shift time is spent on lifting, folding and re-tying the lungi. ************ * Why did the Malayali buy an air-ticket? To go to Thoobai, to meet his ungle in the Gelff. ************ * Why do Malayali's go to the Gelff? To yearn menney. ************ * What did the Malayali do when the plane caught fire? He zimbly jembd out of the vindow. ************ * What is a Malayali management graduate called? Yem Bee Yay. ************ * Why did his wife divorce him? Because he was louwing another woman. ************ * Who found out that? His Andy. ************ * What does a Malayali do when he goes to America? He changes his name from Karunakaran to Kevin Curren. ************ * What does a Malayali use to commute to office everyday? An Oto. ************ * Who is a Malayali's famous yeactor end yaectres