
Showing posts from December 11, 2011

Dear Verizon: Don’t Try Streaming, It’s A Dumb Idea

Something rather interesting has been happening as of late: an increasing number of companies, smelling Netflixblood, want to jump into the streaming space and become the average consumers’ new go-to place for entertainment. It makes some sense. Over the last several months, Netflix has been hemorrhaging subscribers who are displeased with the company’s new pricing plans. And its ill-fated decision to spin off its DVD rental business made management seem incompetent. Add those issues to the difficult relationships it has with content providers, and it’s no wonder companies like Amazon, Wal-mart and others, want to take it down. But recently, we’ve been hearing reports that Verizon is also planning a streaming service, and might enlist the help of Redbox to do it. The service, according to TechCrunch, citing sources, would allow users to stream content, as well as purchase programming from a host of set-top boxes and mobile devices. I have little doubt that Verizon wants to get into the

Apple reveals animated Beatles record albums ad for iTunes

Without a doubt this should have been the advertisement video Apple should have used when it was first announced the iTunes would be making the historic movie to carry The Beatles music catalogue. Instead we’ve got it here at the end of 2011, and we’ll take it! Not only do we get to dive in and through the greatest album covers ever printed on 12 inches of cardboard, we get to experience each of them in a warped and folded way anyone with two eyes and the ability to see can appreciate. On the whole, this appears very much to be a renewed push for recognition of the several different ways one can experience The Beatles through Apple’s iTunes store. While below you’ll see the video we’re speaking about here, lower than that you’ll find another brand new Beatles-related bit that’s popped up on iTunes this month: The Beatles Yellow Submarine book for kids. This book is completely free on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch at the moment, and is certainly meant to push for a greater adoption of th