
Showing posts from April 18, 2011

I Haven’t Played My Kinect Since Launch

When the Microsoft Kinect launched in November, allowing gamers to play video games with only the movement of their bodies, everyone wondered if it would catch on. Now with more than 10 million units sold, it clearly has. When I first bought the Kinect, I was intrigued. I played Kinect Adventures and Dance Central and thought the peripheral worked extremely well. I showed it off to friends and family and nearly all of them thought it was a really neat way to play a video game. But then all those friends and family went home. And as I sat there in my living room wondering what I should play next with my Kinect, it was clear that I had no idea. Like the Wii, it seems like a fine party companion, but for individual gaming, I see no reason to break it out. Realizing that, I haven’t played my Kinect since last year. When friends and family come over, we play other games, since I simply don’t feel like connecting the Kinect. And even if I did, I’m not even sure that we would want to jump ar