
Showing posts from September 15, 2009

Making Money from Home Facts Today

To make money doing nothing in first days of internet was an easy task. There was no competition, search engines ranked on different way than today, everything was easier. Today try to search in Google "make money online" or similar query and You will be amazed how much results You will find. There is a lot of sites fighting for first page or first place. On the other side, money that You can make is still good. To be honest it is actually better than ever. Advertisers pays a lot for make money online related therms, since they market, consumers of those services raised too. So where are You in this jungle? You want to make money online but You don't know how? maybe You tried but nothing? Well simpliest way, believe me, is to focus on one thing. On one technique and to be patient ,to work and to be patient. And again to work and to be patient, until you see first results. Must people loose enthusiasm if after first few or even more than few month don't see any results

Legitimate ways to make money online with GetAFreelancer website

There are many freelance websites available on internet where you can get some projects and make money online while working at home. Some of popular freelance websites are,,, and In today’s post I will focus about how to make money online with GetAFreelancer website only. GetAFreelancer is one of the best freelance website for programmers, web designers, Seo’s, bloggers, content writers, Administrators, data entry operators etc where you can offer your services to the buyers by placing bids on open projects or jobs in your category. We need to spend some time on any freelance website including GetAFreelancer to get some work. How to Join GetAFreelancer There is no fee charged for joining GetAFreelancer website. Click on this link to join GetAFreelancer website if you are looking for some work while sitting at home. Please add all information about you and your professional experience in your profile page because m

Optimizing Wordpress blogs from Seo/User prospective

Wordpress is an amazing blogging platform that we can use to create our personal and professional blogs and websites. In this small guide, I will help you optimize a Wordpress blog from search engine as well as from user prospective: Chose a web host: Wordpress is the best content management system available for blogs and websites. Instead of creating a sub-domain on Wordpress, I would suggest you to start with a brand new domain name and professional web hosting. When you chose a web host, you should go for one that supports Wordpress blogs. W3C Compliant blog: From seo prospective, I would suggest you to choose a W3C Compliant theme. This is not mandatory but I would suggest keeping your Wordpress blog W3C Compliant. To make your blog W3C Compliant, you should validate your HTML code at least. And if you are not good in coding part, select “Wordpress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically” from Setting –> Writing option which will automatically lower the number of

New Blog Layout & Color Change

Just wanted to let you know, as if you haven’t seen already, about the new blog design and change. Well, we changed the theme a while ago now, but just recently, you’ve probably seen us playing with the colors. We wanted to do something more fun, bright, and colorful. We are still testing this to see how our visitors react, but so far it’s been great. You’ll be able to find the featured post on the left and snippets of posts down the middle. On the right, you’ll find some resources, advertisers, and other cool fun stuff like polls, or “cool trendy people that read our blog”. lol Anyway, we hope that you like the new design and don’t mind us playing with the colors a little. We want this design to make it easier for you to find posts and other info on the make money from home blog. We still need to do a logo design because it is important and a ico design too, but I am just being lazy. Regards Shazia