Rajshri revives Tansen; hunt begins for main lead

 Abhishek Bachchan A year back, Tansen was a hot project in the making. While Barjatyas from Rajshri Productions were backing this mega budget project, Satish Kaushik was already on board as the director of the film. Though there was no official confirmation on the main lead, it was being whispered in the industry circles that Abhishek Bachchan had already been sounded for the much coveted role.

However, post Karzzzz, Delhi 6 and Ek Vivaah Aisa Bhi, all seemed to be forgotten about Tansen. Abhishek Bachchan had double trouble with Drona followed by Delhi 6. Karzzzz was a shocker for Satish Kaushik because in spite of so much hype, it was the remake factor that went against it. As for Barjatyas, their small budgeted Ek Vivah Aisa Bhi (Sonu Sood, Esha Kopikar) didn't quite turn out to be another Vivah and folded up rather soon. Tansen seemed to be a talk of the past and it was more or less apparent that it was shelved for good.

This is where a pleasant surprise comes in with Satish Kaushik coming out of a brief hibernation (as a director) and announcing that the epic musical drama is still pretty much on. Explaining the delay in the film coming on floors, Satish Kaushik says, "Tansen was a big budgeted film and we wanted to give it the best possible platform. We could have got it earlier but then there was a big slap of recession during last couple of years. However, the film never stopped and we continued to work hard on the script."

As things stand now, the script is being written by Irshad Kamil, popular lyricist who has written number of chartbuster songs for composer Pritam. As per Kaushik, Barjatyas are gung go about the project and taking active interest in giving Tansen the best shape possible so that it lives up to the great expectations that audience has from a character and film of this stature.

"Raj (Barjatya) Babu and Sooraj Barjatya are sitting on the script sessions with us from Day One", says Kaushik, "In fact there have been days when we have worked on it for more than 12 hours at stretch. They are totally involved in the making of Tansen and even though Sooraj isn't directing it, he is taking active interest in the film. In fact just a few days back, we spoke again on taking the film forward. I hadn't announced any new film after Karzzzz since my time was completely eaten up by Tansen. Rest assured, Tansen is pretty much on and certainly not shelved."

When the film first came in news, Satish Kaushik was heard as stating - "Abhishek is someone who can play the role well as he also has a certain star status and fan following. He has the look and intensity. He also has the dialogue delivery of his father. And we do need a Tansen who thinks in Hindi and talks the language fluently." Even spokesperson from Rajshri had admitted that Abhishek was approached for the role. He had said, "Yes, we have spoken to Abhishek about Tansen and he has agreed to sit with us for the narration once our script is done. We are still busy scripting the film. "

So coming to the million dollar question, is Abhishek Bachchan finally playing the role of Tansen? There is a shocker in store as Satish Kaushik goes on record to state that the young man hasn't been finalised for the film yet. "No, Abhishek is not confirmed for Tansen. There is an entire rethinking being done on the film's cast. Why just Abhishek, nobody has actually been decided and formalised to star in Tansen. We would be casting in a couple of months and it would be there for all to know then."

With probability of Abhishek featuring as Tansen seemingly quite low, one wonders whom do Satish Kaushik and Barjatyas have in mind for the title role. There are only a handful of actors who could fit in well when it comes to a period film. Add to that the genre being musical and the film's scale being high, there are further limitations that are set when it comes to making a project viable. Watch this space for more!


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