Final Fantasy XIV PC Peripherals Break Cover

Final Fantasy XIV is coming to the PC on September 30th, and with a large title like a Final Fantasy title, it’s expected that accessories with the logo on them would break into the wild. And, sure enough, we’ve got not only a keyboard, but plenty of other peripheral goodies for you PC gamers who plan on spending a large amount of hours plugging into the Final Fantasy universe.

Final Fantasy keyboard 540x329

You can choose from a themed keyboard, speakers, mouse, and gamepad to pre-order right now. There is a router included, too, but that’s not on the list quite yet. But, if you take a look at the keyboard above, you’ll notice that the designers effectively forgot one main part of creating a new piece of hardware. Any kind of attractiveness. They look almost military in their design, and the sad part is, that the keyboard doesn’t actually include any features that will help MMO players. It’s just your standard keyboard.

The keyboard will cost you $26, while the gamepad is $46, and the mouse is $59. The speakers, though, those will cost you $61. The router will run you $116 when it goes on sale later this year. We’re not going to say that they look completely terrible, but they could certainly look better. Any Final Fantasy XIV players out there going to pick any of these up?


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