Tonight on The Good Wife: 2.23 "Closing Arguments"

So here it is, the season 2 finale of The Good Wife which looks set to wrap up this strong year on another high as the team at Lockhart/Gardner defend a possible judge killer. This is the case that closed last weeks episode which showed that Kalinda (Archie Panjabi) would be staying at the firm despite the collapse of her relationship with Alicia (Julianna Margulies).

The confrontation between Kalinda and Alicia really highlighted that it is the dissolution of this relationship rather than the Florrick marriage that is the most heartbreaking, as we have always known the the marriage was on shakey ground and we have watched the Alicia/Kalinda friendship grow to the close one that existed prior to the big reveal. The fact that Kalinda doesn't let any one get close to her emotionally and because Alicia lost most of friends due to the scandal was another reason as to why their bond meant so much, and why now their fractured friendship matters more to the audience. Kalinda breaking down in the empty elevator really hammered home this point as it is so rare that we see Kalinda as anything other than calm and collected. Where this leaves the pair this week is in an awkward place, they have to work together to prove that their client is innocent in this murder trial. Something that looks like it will be hard to do, both in working together and proving his innocence.

The main story that has been promoted regarding this finale is the potential for Will (Josh Charles) and Alicia finally having the right moment to get together. He knows all about the separation, not because Alicia has told him but through Kalinda and whether he will reveal this knowledge or wait for Alicia to come to him is what might drive their union. They have often spoken about timing and how they never got together because it was never the right time, now it could be the right time and there is a definite desire and attraction between the pair. Could they actually work as a couple though? The whole unrequited angle could be the thing that drives the passion and Alicia asked Will in last seasons finale whether he had a plan beyond bold declarations. He did want to take it further but alas his voicemail was deleted by Eli (Alan Cumming) and Alicia is still none the wiser as to what that voicemail contained, will she find out the contents this tonight?

Connected to this high profile case that Lockhart/Gardner are fighting this week is Glenn Childs (Titus Welliver), as this is his last big case before Peter (Chris Noth) becomes State's Attorney. This means he will be gunning for a swan song victory, particularly as it is against Lockhart/Gardner. I hope that this isn't the last we will see of Childs because he does make an excellent antagonist and any show benefits from the presence of Titus Welliver who has been excellent in this role. If nothing else can he at least appear through the lion phone once again?

Also making an appearance tonight is Alicia's brother Owen (Dallas Roberts) who in previous appearances this season has become an instant favourite, particularly in his attempts to make Alicia less uptight. This could be quite significant in directing her actions tonight as I'm sure Owen will urge Alicia to follow her desires and his encouragement is something that Alicia has responded to in the past. Last time Owen was around he prompted her to ask Will about the second voicemail after he realised that his sister has feelings for Will, so it will be interesting to see how he responds to the news of the separation. If nothing else Alicia needs her brother to confide in now that she is minus a Kalinda.

The end of this season of The Good Wife has felt like three acts over the three episodes, we've had the confrontation with Peter in "In Sickness", the one with Kalinda last week and now the possible union with Will this week. The evolution of Alicia's anger, sadness and resentment has been a pleasure to watch and this show has been consistently thought provoking and enjoyable each week. Regardless of what the consequences for the show are if this hook up between Will and Alicia does happen, it will be good to see Alicia unleashing some of her pent up tension and having a moment of pleasure after all this anger she has been feeling in these past few episodes. Do you like the idea of Alicia and Will together? How do you think this season will end? Let us know in the comments below.

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