Cameron Diaz Removes Jon Stewart's Stitches on The Daily Show

Instead of doing just another interview with Cameron Diaz (he's done several already), The Daily Show anchor Jon Stewart decided to do something just a little different: he had Diaz remove his stitches. If you'll remember, Stewart had previously cut his hand while performing a sketch lampooning congressman Anthony Weiner. It was unintentional and bled quite a lot, but Stewart hung in there, going to the hospital after the episode was filmed and getting stitches.
A few weeks passed until it was time for those stitches to come out, and so he recruited actress Cameron Diaz to remove them. The operation too up the entirety of the episode, with some close-ups of Diaz meticulously tugging the stitches from Stewart's now-scarred hand. Stewart tried to throw in some small talk about her new movie, Bad Teacher, but that didn't last long; Diaz was so focused on removing the stitches that she could only mumble out some facts about her character and that the movie hit theaters on the 24th. Stewart would later note that there was "actual suspense building" with the removal of the speeches.
You can check out the video below. The Daily Show airs tonight (6/22) with author Mitchell Zuckoff as the guest.


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