London Olympics 2012 To Get 3D Coverage

That hefty price you paid for the 3D HDTV may finally be justified. If you’ve been struggling to find good 3D programming, then you’ll only have to wait until the 2012 London Olympics. According to a broadcast equipment manufacturer, the special event may get 3D camera coverage for at least 10 venues.

Luc Doneux, who heads major events at the EVS broadcast equipment company, reveals that, “Although 3D is still marginal in relation to the larger audience there will be a few of the main events (at the 2012 Olympics) in 3D with feeds from 10 venues being discussed.”

However, no official announcements have been made yet and the Olympic Broadcast Service has yet to comment.

But other major sports events, such as the Wimbledon and the FIFA World Cup, have already gotten 3D coverage, which were even been broadcasted to cinemas. There are currently about 40 3DTV channels available around the globe, with the 2012 Olympics rights holders having also broadcasted 3D content before.

The likelihood seems high, and may help generate more interest in 3D TVs, which despite the marketing hype, has not been a huge deciding factor for consumers. The 3D glasses requirement along with the limited selection of 3D programming also don’t help. But now that you know the Olympics will be in 3D and you don’t already have a 3D TV, are you more likely to make the splurge?


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